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Welcome to 365Barrington Daily Pages! Since we’ve been publishing 365Barrington for nearly 11 years, we’ve covered a lot of stories over the past 4,000-ish days. Starting in January, 2021, we’ll be publishing DailyPages for anyone who’d like to explore our coverage of Barrington – Past, Present & Future (events). Please add #365Barrington to Instgram posts if you’d like them to be featured in our daily content. Want to be featured or partner with us on our Daily Pages Project? Please call Liz (that’s me đź‘‹) at 847-691-3150. CLICK HEREÂ to sign up for our new & improved 365Barrington Buzz Newsletter (coming soon) and click on the dates or images below to start exploring our 365Barrington Daily Pages. Thank you!
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