On a Sunny June morning, I walked into Notice: Accessories for Living on Cook Street and saw associate Katie Tipsword. As more of a minimalist myself, my eye was drawn to the simplicity of Katie’s look so I asked if we could take her photo for our new Barrington Street Style series here at 365Barrington.com.
From head to toe, Katie’s look is chic and sophisticated. I took her photo in front of the Barrington Flower Shop, where classic black and cream awnings with the pop of red complimented Katie’s classic style well. The Barrington Flower Shop, by the way, is an adorable must-see shop filled with flowers and antiques.
Amidst the colors and patterns of summer, Katie stood out in her one piece black jumpsuit. You can never go wrong in all black, no matter what the season. The jumpsuit had a transparent sheer top and a drawstring waist. Her look was sophisticated yet relaxed. To complete Katie’s chic look, she wore the perfect LOB haircut, large frame glasses and light pink lip.
Katie says her style is inspired by Vogue magazine and street style. To see and be inspired by some amazing street style, check out The Sartorialist. Katie just returned home to Barrington for the summer after finishing her freshman year at DePauw University where she studies communications and political science.
Walking through Notice, I spotted so many summer 2015 fashion trends. From timeless nautical accents, kimono inspired dresses, polka dots, experiments with transparency, gingham and of course lots of white, Notice is on-point this season.
What are your fashion inspirations? Share your go-to looks in the comments box below or watch for us as we capture more fashions that define Barrington’s own Street Style.
About the Author
Aimee Mendez is a lifestyle photographer with a passion for capturing the beautiful and fleeting moments of life that are so easy to miss. She loves photographing people, events, interiors, food, landscapes and love. She studied photography at Columbia College and completed a psychology degree at North Park University. She currently resides in Chicago with her new husband, Jonny. For more about Aimee and to view her portfolio, visit www.aimeemazzenga.com