Santa arrivals in downtown Barrington & at the South Barrington Park District, BYDE Nucracker fairies, live reindeer at Norton’s U.S.A., Advent at Saint Anne Parish School and “Elfie Selfies” at Biltmore Country Club take the spotlight in today’s NoonDaily Update. Thanks for sharing your snapshots from around town! (Tag your photos on Facebook/Instagram with #365Barrington or #NoonDailyBarrington to be featured.)
Can you match today’s photos with their captions below?
(click an image to start the gallery)
1. Village of Barrington | The Village of Barrington lit the community’s brand new Christmas tree Saturday and welcomed Santa’s return along with crowds of excited kids and families. ‘Twas truly magical…
2. Kiran Advani | Visions of this Sugar Plum Fairy will dance in her head. ? #BarringtonYouthDanceEnsemble See more photos from the #BYDENutcracker2016…
3. Anne Kendeigh Schmitt | First time at Barrington Tree ? Lighting!! Arrived at 4:55.. had a front row seat! Even snuck in a carriage ride after they finished taking riders. Oh what fun…
4. Cassie Barron | Look who we found on Saturday – live reindeer at Nortons U.S.A. We concluded it was probably Dancer and Donnor. Santa came to town to help light the big tree, so I’m sure they were reunited. ☺️ #santayourreindeeraremissing #nortonsgeneralstore #HolidaysatNortonsUSA…
5. Lisa Jones | Santa arrives via helicopter at the South Barrington Park District…
6. Biltmore Country Club | Come find where Elfie is hiding today at #Biltmore and get a candy cane prize, make sure to post your pictures on Instagram using #bccelfieselfie #biltmorecc ⛄️….
7. Saint Anne Parish School | Students and teachers discuss the meaning of Advent and share snapshots from the season in a daily hashtag #AdventChallenge. See the photos shared so far…
8. Morgan Mehalic Designs | Flying the “W” after a carriage ride in the Village of Barrington. Keep up with #MorganMehalicDesigns around town…
9. Heinen’s Grocery | Heinen’s employees serving cookies and hot chocolate today in #DowntownBarrington. Thank you @heinens!
Our NoonDaily Updates are a new approach to gathering information and sharing the good things happening locally. Each day we publish a post at noon featuring the latest collected photos and information from various sources around town and we hope you’ll join us in sharing.
We’ve had a team working on our NoonDailies via Instagram since the beginning of the year and we’ve loved the pleasant surprise of seeing others automatically join us in sharing. Now we’re ready to reveal what we’ve been developing behind-the-scenes and officially invite you to participate.
Here’s how it works:
Each day we’ll be publishing a post at noon featuring the latest collected photos and information from various sources around town and we hope you’ll join us! Whether you’re a local resident, photographer, writer, business owner, student, PR pro, marketing guru, non-profit organizer, event planner, REALTOR, religious leader or volunteer, we invite you to please share your news, views and daily snapshots right along with us. Posts submitted will be featured on our constantly updated NoonDaily page at
Here’s how to share:
Everyone can participate by adding photos and updates to our NoonDaily collection one of these three ways:
- Facebook Mention @BarringtonIllnois in a Facebook post or publish post to our Facebook page at and your message will be featured on our NoonDaily Update Board at
- Instagram & Twitter Add the hashtag #365Barrington or #NoonDailyBarrington to any post on your Instagram or Twitter page and your message will also be featured with our NoonDaily updates.
- Submit an Event or Post If social media is not your thing, click here to submit post details or click here to share an upcoming event and we’ll do our best to add your message to the NoonDaily mix.
Why NoonDaily?
Gone are the days when local news arrived only with the paperboy or via regularly scheduled newscasts. Social media has changed the news cycle so dramatically that we find ourselves longing for a return to life with less disruption. At the same time, social media continues to enhance the best part of our work, which has always been learning from your story ideas, recommendations and experiences. NoonDaily is our commitment to gathering ideas about local happenings and presenting information thoughtfully, regularly with respect for your time. So we hope you will join us in sharing slices of life locally, right here at noon daily.