Approximately 18,000 children are in Illinois Foster Care and Let It Be Us is on a mission to find families for these children in need of foster and/or adoptive families. From 7-8:30 p.m. on Tuesday, December 8th the Barrington organization is hosting their 19th ZOOM virtual recruitment event for anyone interested in learning more about becoming a foster or adoptive parent. The event features a special segment where the individual cases on which Let It Be Us is working to find placements will be featured. Also, this particular event will be open to dialog and questions in a community forum, rather than a webinar.
Foster Care 102: Recruiting Parents for Foster Care and Adoption
At this FREE event, Let It Be Us will dive deeper into foster care and adoption and share more about waiting children and their needs. The event will feature their expert foster parent recruiters as well as a very special guest. Everyone is welcome, those who are considering becoming licensed and those who are already licensed. This is a great opportunity to learn more about Let It Be Us and how you can help their mission.
Some of the things they’ll be discussing include:
- How do parent/child visits work and what is my role?
- How do I help a child who has experienced trauma settle into a routine?
- What can I expect from my agency in terms of support?
Open to future foster and adoptive parents and current foster and adoptive parents, they’ll be discussing how to obtain a foster care license, what it means to be a foster parent, how to navigate adoption through foster care, the trials, tribulations, challenges, love and more. What it means to work with Let It Be Us. Each of their recruitment events are led by the Let It Be Us expert recruitment team. This event is a webinar, a digital event, on ZOOM, and you can attend from the comfort of your own home or your own phone.
Let It Be Us virtual recruitment events on ZOOM are brought to you through a grant from the State of Illinois, the Barrington Area Community Foundation and the Foglia Family Foundation.
Click here to register today.
Learn more about lives touched by the work of Let It Be Us through Voices of Adoption, our ongoing series at
Headquartered in Barrington and founded in 2014, Let It Be Us is a nonprofit organization committed to creating programs that recruit foster parents and match Illinois children in foster care with foster and adoptive parents. Through innovative parent recruitment and matching platforms Let It Be Us has developed a registry of waiting parents. If you or someone you know is curious about getting licensed as a foster parent, call 847-764-LIBU (847-764-5428) or visit