Get your swimsuits, goggles and your rubber ducks ready for one of Barrington’s biggest pool parties of the year! The 17th annual Barrington Duck Races are going down at the Langendorf Park pool from 4-7PM this Saturday, August 14th, and we’re all invited.

Hundreds of ducks will race down the slides at “Aqualusion”, the pool at Langendorf Park, on Saturday. It’s a fundraiser that’s fun for kids and will directly benefit area children with life threatening illnesses.

The Duck Race is hosted by Hospice and Palliative Care of Northeastern Illinois. The goal is to raise $50,000 and this is the first year that all of the money raised will cover pediatric patient programs. Hospice helps adults and children with serious illnesses manage their symptoms and pain by providing cutting edge therapies, compassionate care and a range of social services.
But there are a lot of treatments that aren’t covered by patients’ insurance and that’s how the money raised during this weekend’s duck races will be used. Because the focus is on pediatric patients, there will be three “Honorary Ducklings” at Saturday’s races. They’re patients who will be honored by riding in on a firetruck with The Duck!

If you’d like to participate, come on out this Saturday. The event is free and you’ll find the pool at 235 Lions Drive in Barrington. You can help the cause by adopting ducks for the race online by by clicking HERE. The cost of one duck is $5. A family of ducks is $25 and a flock of 25 ducks is $100. You can also sponsor a V.I.D. (that stands for “Very Important Duck”) for $50, with one lucky duck owner winning $500. There will also be raffle tickets and plenty of prizes awarded during the day along with games, swimming, face painting, a coloring contest, DJ and a variety of food available to purchase. You’ll find more information about the duck races at and you’ll find more information about Hospice & Palliative Care of Northeastern Illinois at Now get quacking!