Old English fîf |Indo-european PENKWE | Sanskrit PAÑCA | Greek, Attic ΠENTE PENTE | Latin QVINQVE | Archaic Latin PENQVE | Vulgar Latin CINQUE | Italian cinque | French cinq | Spanish and Portuguese cinco | Provençal and Catalan cinc | Romanian cinci | Romansh tschintg | Sardinian chímbi |Old Celtic PEMPE | Breton pemp | Welsh pump |Irish cúig (things) ciúigear (persons) | Old Germanic FIMFI | Dutch vijf | German fünf | Danish, Norwegian, and Swedish fem | Icelandic fimm | Old Slavic PEnTI | Russian пять p’jat’ |Czech pět |Slovenian pét | Polish pięć | Proto Indo-Iranian PANK’A | Persian پنج panj | Hindi panch | Old Chinese (pron.) nguo | Chinese 五 wǔ | Proto-Semitic KhAMSh | Semitic root Kh-M-Sh | Ancient Egyptian t’uau | Akkadian khamish |Punic khamsh | Arabic خمسة khamsâ | Hebrew חמשה khamishah | Maltese hamsa | Amharic amist | Magyar öt | Turkish bes |Mayan ho |Nahuatl mācuīlli | Suomi viisi | Zulu (isi)hlanu
The 5 natural senses are sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch. According to ancient Greek philosophers like Aristotle, the universe is made up of 5 classical elements: water, earth, air, fire and ether. As Wikipedia describes so matter-of-factly, “The high five is a celebratory hand gesture that occurs when two people simultaneously raise one hand, about head high, and push, slide or slap the flat of their palm and hand against the palm and flat hand of their partner. The gesture is often preceded verbally by the phrase ‘Give me five’ or ‘High five’.”*
Confucius Says: “To practice five things under all circumstances constitutes perfect Virtue; these five are gravity, generosity of soul, sincerity, earnestness, and kindness.”
Famous Riddle: From a word of 5 letters, take 2 letters and have 1
Answer:ALONE – AL = ONE.