Well that was a busy weekend! BBQ at our place Saturday. Got into it with my husband while being terrorized by our three toddlers Sunday morning. Plastic egg halves, candy and trinkets strewn about the house and lots to accomplish this week. I think today’s a good day to start something new here at 365Barrington.com…. A regular Monday post to gear up for a productive week, complete with a “deep thought”, a photo and a song.
Now for the song… I have no idea what the lyrics are or what this song is all about. But I listen to this one on the treadmill and my energy level spikes. Crank your speakers before pushing play and have a Happy Monday!
Noun: The day of the week before Tuesday and following Sunday.
morn·ing /ˈmôrniNG/
Noun: The period of time between midnight and noon.
mo·jo /ˈmōˌjō/
Noun: A magic charm, talisman, or spell.
Can’t see the video? CLICK HERE