With Thanksgiving just days away, there’s only one day left to enter our 2012 Thanksgiving Contest. Entering is as easy as answering one simple question. What are you thankful for this Thanksgiving? We’ve received quite a few entries this month and we’ll be sharing these “thankful thoughts” and favorite traditions along with the names of our three contest winners this Wednesday.

Anyone who shares what they’re thankful for in the form below by the end of the day tomorrow will be entered into our drawing to win one of three gift cards to use at Barrington’s new grocery store, Heinen’s Fine Foods. Since Heinen’s is offering the prizes, we thought we’d ask Tom Heinen what he’s thankful for this year.

Tom and his twin brother, Jeff, opened Heinen’s in Barrington this past August. The Barrington location is the company’s 18th grocery store opening and their first store outside of the greater Cleveland area. “We’re very thankful that we had the opportunity to locate a store here in Barrington and not only serve the community but hire terrific new associates that have been great to work with.” Remember when they used chopping blocks to cut the ribbon during their grand opening in Barrington? That was in honor of their grandfather, Joseph, who founded the family business when he opened a Cleveland-area butcher shop in 1929.

But the new store opening is not all Tom says he’s thankful for this year.
On a more personal note, Tom shared one way he’s spending the holiday and let us in on a favorite Thanksgiving tradition started by his grandfather, Joseph Heinen…
“I look forward to being with my family this Thanksgiving, including my mom who is 83. I’m very thankful that we can still spend Thanksgiving together. And our real tradition is having my grandfather’s sausage stuffing which is a huge favorite in our family. Since I was a little boy I have been eating it at Thanksgiving. We always went to my grandfather’s house when I was young and then the various children would start to host the meals but always with the same sausage stuffing.”

So I couldn’t help but ask Tom if he’d share the secret to his grandfather’s recipe.
“It starts with the inclusion of his own recipe for sweet Italian (mild) sausage and it also includes the usual ingredients of crouton stuffing (onions, celery and herb croutons).”
“We typically mix the broth into the stuffing also. We’ve converted every person who has ever entered our family to this sausage stuffing.”
And you don’t have to be a Heinen to try this special family recipe at your own Thanksgiving table this year.
Joseph Heinen’s now-famous sausage stuffing is available to purchase this week at Heinen’s Fine Foods in the Barrington. Just ask for it at the Prepared Foods Counter. I’ll be bringing it to our family party this year. I can already smell that turkey cooking!
And entering our contest is as easy as sharing a simple family memory, a favorite family recipe, cherished tradition or one of the things you’ll be giving thanks for this year. All you have to do is fill out the form below.
There’s even a place to share a photo, if you have one that shows what (or who) you’ll be toasting to this year.
Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have some grocery shopping to do. This family recipe talk just reminded me of my Grandma Winne’s beloved homemade Onion Dip. By now, I remember this recipe by heart, but I’ll share it here this week. Stay tuned and let the cooking begin!