Sue Randall, Barrington’s 2014 Citizen of the Year and a local champion for ALS research & awareness, has issued an Ice Bucket Challenge for all of Barrington! The viral internet phenomenon has reached our community, with more local Ice Bucket Challenge videos being created every day. It’s all to raise funds and shine a spotlight on efforts to cure amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), also known as Lou Gehrig’s Disease.

Sue says the beauty of the Ice Bucket Challenge is that it’s getting people engaged with the cause in a way that’s personal, contagious and fun. Plus, to fulfill the challenge, you have the option to donate to the ALS organization of your choice!
Sue and her team from Barrington are currently the top fundraising team for the Les Turner ALS Foundation’s Walk for Life coming up in Chicago on Sunday September 21st, but she says they could use our help.
(CLICK HERE to make a Donation to Sue Randall’s ALS Walk for Life Team)
Here’s how the challenge works:
Step 1
Within 24 hours after being challenged, dump a bucket of ice water over your head while being videotaped.
Step 2
In your video, challenge three other people to either participate by creating their own videos and donating $10 to the ALS charity of their choice. If they choose NOT to create a video, then the challenge is to donate $100.
Step 3
To spread the word, share your video with friends and family via social media (or with us here at – see form below).
I’d say Sue deserves a standing ovation, simply for being a good sport. There’s no doubt you’re committed to a cause if you’re willing to get soaked by a bucket of ice water on camera!!!
Sue’s ALS Walk for Life team’s name is called the “Iron Horse Brigade” and they’re raising funds in the name of Barrington father-of-two, Paul Launer, who is currently living with ALS.

Sue led the Iron Horse Brigade last year, a group of 175 Barringtonites who bussed downtown for the walk, raising a staggering first-year total of $80,000. This year, Sue’s team hopes to break records by raising $100,000 and hopes the Ice Bucket Challenge will help!
When I called her this morning, here’s what she shared…
“It’s so funny that you called me right now. I literally have tears going down my face because Good Morning America just did a huge Ice Bucket Challenge in Central Park. The money that’s pouring in on behalf of all those with ALS is amazing. $5.7 million dollars have been raised so far for the ALS Association, a charity that had, at this time last year, raised $25,000 in the same time frame. It’s incredible. And what it’s doing is really raising awareness about ALS along with a significant amount of money to help fund research and that’s what our efforts with the upcoming ALS Walk for Life are all about.”
So Sue is challenging others in Barrington to accept her Ice Bucket Challenge to help Paul Launer’s Iron Horse Brigade reach their $100,000 fundraising goal.
(CLICK HERE to make a Donation to Sue Randall’s ALS Walk for Life Team)
And if you create your own Ice Bucket Challenge video, we’d love to share it with others created locally to spread the challenge right here at You can email your video directly to or upload it using this form…
The Ice Bucket challenge was popularized when Massachusetts resident and former Boston College baseball player Pete Frates, who has ALS, began posting about it on Twitter. Frates went on to extend the challenge to some other Boston athletes and the campaign has spread like wildfire from there as more and more athletes, celebrities, neighbors and friends create their own videos to support the cause.
Since 1977, the Les Turner ALS Foundation has been Chicagoland’s leader in patient services, research, and education for ALS. To learn more about the Les Turner ALS Foundation, visit
And stay tuned! We’ll be sharing more Barrington Ice Bucket Challenge videos in the days ahead, right here at
(CLICK HERE to make a Donation to Sue Randall’s ALS Walk for Life Team)
On Sue’s page, you’ll also learn more about how to get involved and join the fun. The Walk for Life is a great way to spend a day with family and friends in the city. But don’t take my word for it! Just take a look at Bob Lee’s photos of last year’s Iron Horse Brigade in action.