Meet Dozens of Barrington Area Writers at Library’s Local Author Fair

2 mins read
Book lovers - don't miss the Barrington Area Library's second annual Local Author Fair

Love being first to know about a great new find, an undiscovered treasure? Are you the kind of reader who goes through a stack of books every weekend – the more, the merrier? Or are you the discerning reader who is looking for that literary needle hidden in the mass market haystack?

No matter what type of reader you are, you’ll love the Local Author Fair at the Barrington Area Library!

As of this moment, 31 local writers are scheduled to appear at the Fair on Saturday, April 16, 2016, from 2-4 PM.

The authors will be available to chat with you about their books and about the writing and publishing process. Many will have books available for purchase and signing – what a unique and creative gift idea! (Hint, hint: Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, graduations, etc., are just around the corner.) Be among the first 90 attendees to purchase a book and you’ll receive a complimentary Local Author Fair tote bag, courtesy of the library. We’ll serve some light refreshments so you can relax and enjoy browsing around, learning more about the authors, and socializing with other book lovers, too.

What kinds of authors and books will you find?

Yvette Klobuchar (pictured above), author of the touching, hilarious, and romantic Brides Unveiled, based on her family’s real-life experiences in the fashion and bridal industries.

Jim Proebstlewriter of carefully researched historical fiction, with a new book about his brother’s heartbreaking descent into dementia, caused by football-related injuries.

Local legend Dyllis Braithwaite and her photographic works about her fantastic wardrobe, Oh! I Love What You’re Wearing, Vols. I and II.

Popular BHS teacher William J. Palmer, sharing his deeply personal and powerful story Drop-Out To Teacher: Overcoming Fear and Failure.

Laura Quinn, with Punk Charming, a romance inspired by an American college student’s first glimpse of Europe and the fashions and fads of the 1980s.

But wait – there’s more! Along with more than a dozen other authors from the Barrington area (including several members of the Barrington Writers Workshop), writers from all over Chicagoland will be joining us, including:

Geralyn Hesslau Magrady, author of Lines-, a work of historical fiction set in Chicago around the time of the Great Fire. This novel is one of three finalists for this year’s Soon To Be Famous Illinois Author contest, sponsored by the Illinois Library Association and RAILS (Reaching Across Illinois Library Systems);

James Hosek, veterinarian and author of Give A Dog A Bone, a cozy mystery set in a vet’s office, and another finalist in the Soon To Be Famous Illinois Author project;

Elizabeth Harmon, 2016 RITA Finalist (the highest award of distinction in romance fiction), for works such as Getting It Back, part of her “Red Hot Russians” romance series.

Look for books about how your teeth impact your overall health, how young people can unlock their leadership greatness and boost self-esteem, how the over-50 crowd can succeed in the job market, and things you need to do in Chicago before you die. Escape from reality with gritty crime, fantasy, or science fiction, or find advice for dealing with reality.

If you love to read, we sure hope to see you at the Local Author Fair on Saturday, April 16! It’s a terrific opportunity to support local creativity, and who knows? It may inspire you to share your own wit, wisdom, and way with words with an audience of eager readers.

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