Update: Wendy’s 2020 Late Summer/Fall bird walks are full. Stay tuned as we’ll let you know if and when Wendy schedules another series of walks for spring! Get outside, enjoy nature and learn
On classic early and mid-October days, when the sky reigns brilliant blue over a golden landscape, I love to go looking for sparrows. I head to shrubby border areas in the countryside
Barrington area naturalist, Wendy Paulson just released her new schedule of Fall Bird Walks and the first one is coming up! Learn about our local bird population while enjoying the fall migration
It’s interesting how many birds carry the epithet “common” – for example, common nighthawk, common merganser, common goldeneye, common grackle. It is unclear to me who decides that a species is common
It’s snipe season! Yes, for those still thinking that “hunting for snipe” means looking for an imaginary bird, you can be assured that the Wilson’s Snipe (Gallinago delicata) is indeed an actual
It’s that time of year again! Area naturalist, Wendy Paulson is getting ready to host a new season of Spring Bird Walks & Hikes in Barrington cosponsored by Audubon Great Lakes and
Ducks are very much tied to the seasons in Barrington. Mallards can be found locally all year long. Other ducks nest in the Barrington area during breeding season, species like wood duck
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]I honestly cannot remember the first time I saw a Cooper’s hawk – or, rather, knew that I saw a Cooper’s hawk. It must have been after college when my husband and
Get to know The Birds of Barrington with area naturalist, Wendy Paulson. Learn about our local bird population while enjoying the fall migration during Wendy’s upcoming schedule of guided Barrington Area Bird
January through April are prime months for ducks in the greater Chicago area and Barrington is no exception. Their location depends largely on where the ice is and where it is not.
With the approach of the Christmas season, thoughts turn to traditional holiday music. Among the most popular carols is “The Twelve Days of Christmas” which cites “two turtle doves” and leads us
Barrington hosts a fair number of large birds, ones that exceed four feet in length or six feet in wingspan. Think great blue heron, Barrington’s official town bird, or bald eagle, a
A bird that I’ve come to associate with early spring is the blue-gray gnatcatcher (Polioptila caerulea) , a woodland sprite that returns in early to mid-April from its wintering territory in southern
The early birds have been singing again and that can only mean one thing. It’s about time for the return of Wendy Paulson’s Barrington Area Spring Bird Walks & Hikes! Hot off
Recent spells of arctic weather have left many of our natural areas seemingly bereft of birdlife. Except for a crow here and a red-tailed hawk there, it appeared that most birds in