* All images captured by local wildlife photographer, Stephen Barten. Most owls are nocturnal creatures. They sleep by day and are active at night. But one species is largely diurnal or, more
Images by Citizens for Conservation volunteer & wildlife photographer, Steve Barten. I heard a Red-winged Blackbird for the first time this year on February 28. At a Citizens for Conservation workday only
One of the unexpected pleasures of the COVID year has been the opportunity to pay more attention to the birds around our homes. Last week someone mentioned to me a small brown
Often on restoration workdays with Citizens for Conservation, participants share sightings of mammals, insects, reptiles, birds, plants they have seen recently. We also pause at times to study something discovered by a
* Featured photo by Barrington wildlife photographer, Stephen Barten When you are trying to get a handle on bird identifications, it’s useful to apply categories. For instance, size is helpful: big as
When the World Trade Center towers were struck on Sept. 11, 2001, I was in New York’s Central Park birding with a friend. As the horror of the events became clearer, I
Many people know that honeybees are in trouble but do you know why? Would you like to find out? Would you like to learn what you can do to help the decline?
Learn how to make a living fresh wreath to celebrate the arrival of spring! This crafty class hosted by Smart Farm of Barrington is coming up from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m.
It’s snipe season! Yes, for those still thinking that “hunting for snipe” means looking for an imaginary bird, you can be assured that the Wilson’s Snipe (Gallinago delicata) is indeed an actual
It’s that time of year again! Area naturalist, Wendy Paulson is getting ready to host a new season of Spring Bird Walks & Hikes in Barrington cosponsored by Audubon Great Lakes and
Ducks are very much tied to the seasons in Barrington. Mallards can be found locally all year long. Other ducks nest in the Barrington area during breeding season, species like wood duck
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]I honestly cannot remember the first time I saw a Cooper’s hawk – or, rather, knew that I saw a Cooper’s hawk. It must have been after college when my husband and
On these waning summer evenings, one sweet birdsong often pierces the quiet that’s settling in. It belongs to the eastern wood pewee (Contopus virens), a bird that soon will depart for the
Get to know The Birds of Barrington with area naturalist, Wendy Paulson. Learn about our local bird population while enjoying the fall migration during Wendy’s upcoming schedule of guided Barrington Area Bird
Summer evening diners at one of the downtown Barrington restaurants with outdoor patios may note twitters in the sky above – not the twitter accounts regularly consulted on mobile devices, but those