* Above photo courtesy of Ronald Ziegler via Macaulay Library It’s getting late for the passage of falcons through our latitude. Peregrines, except for those that nest in Chicago, and Merlins have
Often when I’m weeding or harvesting in the garden, I hear mewing notes coming from nearby thickets. There is no mistake about the vocalizer. It’s not a cat but a catbird –
Images by Citizens for Conservation volunteer & wildlife photographer, Steve Barten. I heard a Red-winged Blackbird for the first time this year on February 28. At a Citizens for Conservation workday only
Update: Wendy’s 2020 Late Summer/Fall bird walks are full. Stay tuned as we’ll let you know if and when Wendy schedules another series of walks for spring! Get outside, enjoy nature and learn
Often on restoration workdays with Citizens for Conservation, participants share sightings of mammals, insects, reptiles, birds, plants they have seen recently. We also pause at times to study something discovered by a
I wrote last month’s column on the eve of the annual Barrington Christmas Bird Count (CBC). Thirty-one intrepid counters participated in the event on December 16, fifteen of them covering the northwest
For many if not most local birders, watching birds is a pastime largely of spring, summer, and fall. But for the most intrepid, the end of the year brings an opportunity to
On classic early and mid-October days, when the sky reigns brilliant blue over a golden landscape, I love to go looking for sparrows. I head to shrubby border areas in the countryside
Barrington area naturalist, Wendy Paulson just released her new schedule of Fall Bird Walks and the first one is coming up! Learn about our local bird population while enjoying the fall migration
It’s interesting how many birds carry the epithet “common” – for example, common nighthawk, common merganser, common goldeneye, common grackle. It is unclear to me who decides that a species is common
Warm, sunny days are in the forecast for Citizens for Conservation’s annual Public Plant Sale coming up from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Saturday and Sunday, May 4th & 5th. The
It’s that time of year again! Area naturalist, Wendy Paulson is getting ready to host a new season of Spring Bird Walks & Hikes in Barrington cosponsored by Audubon Great Lakes and
An unexpected experience with fourth graders from Sunny Hill School in late September prompts this month’s bird profile. We were just entering the prairie atop Galloping Hill, part of the ongoing prairie
On these waning summer evenings, one sweet birdsong often pierces the quiet that’s settling in. It belongs to the eastern wood pewee (Contopus virens), a bird that soon will depart for the
Get to know The Birds of Barrington with area naturalist, Wendy Paulson. Learn about our local bird population while enjoying the fall migration during Wendy’s upcoming schedule of guided Barrington Area Bird