If you’ve always wanted to pitch in and help Citizens for Conservation refurbish the rookery island in Baker’s Lake with our discarded Christmas trees, here’s your chance! All are welcome to join volunteers in that task from 1 to 3 p.m. this Saturday, January 17th.
Every year in January, volunteers gather and transport the season’s Christmas trees to the rookery in the center of Baker’s Lake at Rte. 14 and Hillside Avenue. There, the trees are used to freshen up nesting sites which are home to great egrets, herons and other birds that migrate to the Barrington area.
Workers will walk to the island over the ice and place recycled Christmas trees, previously transported, around the base of the island. They’ll be dragging whole trees, standing trees upright in PVC holders, and making cut-outs in the top branches for possible nesting sites.
Dress warmly, wear boots, bring work gloves, loppers, pruners, or clippers.
Meet at the Baker’s Lake Overlook at Rt. 14 and Hillside Road in Barrington. If you have questions, call Citizens for Conservation at 847-382-SAVE (7283.)
Citizens for Conservation’s mission is “Saving Living Space for Living Things” through protection, restoration and stewardship of land, conservation of natural resources, and education. For more information about the work they do, visit their website at CitizensforConservation.org.