A true harbinger of spring arrived in my email inbox today when Citizens for Conservation sent this year’s schedule of Barrington Spring Bird Walks and Hikes led by area naturalist and birder,
Cross-country skiing on the first day of February in a local forest preserve, I brightened at the call of a black-capped chickadee: chick-a-dee-dee-dee. It’s a call that delights both adults and children.
December’s Christmas trees serve an important purpose for birds in Barrington once the new year rolls around. Every year in January, volunteers gather and transport discarded Christmas trees to the rookery in
A fair number of Barringtonians head south for winter months, joining other northern “snowbirds” in places with warmer winter climates. But Barrington is also the destination for some avian snowbirds — the
Lots of people ask me what my favorite bird is. I don’t hesitate to answer. It has been and, I suspect, always will be the eastern bluebird, the species that Henry David
If you’ve enjoyed our recent Birds of Barrington series about area birds profiled by Barrington Hills birder and naturalist Wendy Paulson, here’s your chance to meet her in person. Citizens for Conservation
The bobolink, a bird of large grasslands, is one of Barrington’s most cosmopolitan summer residents. It spends winter months in the pampas and wetlands of northern Argentina and Paraguay, and flies over
Have you caught yourself staring at a largish, elegant, pure white bird flying above town in graceful wingbeat? Or standing statuesque and motionless at the edge of a pond outside town? The
A woodpecker on the ground?? If you see what you think might be a woodpecker on terra firma, it is likely to be a northern flicker. This largish woodpecker goes “anting” on
Because it’s Earth Day and it’s beautiful outside (thank you, Mother Nature), we decided it’s a great day to debut a new spring series focused on our feathered friends here in Barrington.
Grab your waterproof boots and binoculars and get to know nearby nature with a series of spring bird hikes led by a Barrington area naturalist. Ten hikes are scheduled, starting this week