The Barrington Area Council on Aging (Bacoa)’s 4th annual Dancing with the Barrington Stars fundraiser is this weekend. The virtual event starts at 7 p.m. on Saturday, February 6th 2021 and you don’t want to
The new Barrington Area Volunteer Connection is a valuable and innovative resource for those interested in volunteering their time and talents to connect with local causes that need our help, now more
At Let It Be Us we’re getting ready for our first virtual event of the new year, Foster Care 101, a free Zoom session from 7-8:30 on Tuesday, January 12th. We’ll have
A new collaboration between the Barrington Area Development Council and Barrington Area Library is making it easy for you to find your local “Volunteer Match”! The Barrington Area Development Council, in collaboration
For the first time ever, the Barrington Area Council on Aging (Bacoa) has invited five local real-life couples to compete in their 4th annual Dancing with the Barrington Stars 2021 fundraiser coming
Make gift wrapping a snap while giving back during Barrington Campus Life Center’s 3rd Annual Wrapped With Love gift wrapping events. Volunteers will wrap your holiday gifts for JUST $1 PER ITEM,
Just a week after their 8th annual fashion show fundraiser, Hope’s in Style, and days before a team was scheduled to build a home in Guatemala City, the COVID-19 pandemic hit. The
Barrington Children’s Charities (BCC) is asking for our help on this first #GivingTuesdayNow. An emergency response to the unprecedented need caused by COVID-19, #GivingTuesdayNow is a new global day of giving and unity on
Barrington Children’s Charities (BCC) is expanding support to food insecure families in the Barrington 220 School District while schools are closed due to Coronavirus. The organization is doubling the quantity of meals
More than 100 Barrington student volunteers are on a mission to help HOPE’S IN build eight more homes for families living in shacks surrounding Guatemala City’s Zone 3 garbage dump. Student organizers
For many if not most local birders, watching birds is a pastime largely of spring, summer, and fall. But for the most intrepid, the end of the year brings an opportunity to
Tea, sweet treats and light hors d’oeuvres are on the menu for the Hope’s In Tea With Me fundraiser coming up from 1-3 p.m. on Saturday, November 23rd. It’s the perfect excuse
It’s a race that’s literally for the dogs! Bring your favorite 4-legged friends and join Animal House Shelter for their 9th annual Dash for the Dogs 5K Run/Walk and 1 Mile Family
After attending an Adoption & Foster Care Information Fair hosted by Barrington nonprofit child welfare agency, Let It Be Us, the Gaete family of five recently expanded to include two young girls
Warm, sunny days are in the forecast for Citizens for Conservation’s annual Public Plant Sale coming up from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Saturday and Sunday, May 4th & 5th. The