One thing I’ve learned since becoming a mom is that my kids seem to grow at warp speed. They’re still babies and I love to watch them change, but I sometimes feel like it’s happening way too fast. I want to hold onto this time when they’re still so small, and I can’t think of a better way to do that than with beautiful photography. There’s a great opportunity this week to have your children photographed right here in Barrington. It’s fun and it’s for a great cause!
Award-winning photographer, April Graves, is taking appointments this week to photograph babies and children dressed as fairies. The portrait sessions are for the “Beautiful Things with WINGS” campaign and the $150 cost of each hour long session will be donated directly to WINGS. That stands for Women in Need Growing Stronger and it’s an organization that provides shelter and safety to area women and children who are the victims of domestic violence.
April has selected beautiful gardens throughout the Barrington area as the settings for these fairy portrait sessions and each child photographed will be featured in a WINGS calendar with the top 12 images receiving their own month.
April photographs with the “fairies” theme in June. In February, around Valentine’s Day, she’ll again be photographing children dressed as angels on the carousel at Barrington’s Sanfilippo Estate. And in May she photographs kids with a “vintage aviator” theme at Kenosha Airfield and the Warbird Heritage Foundation, two locations which showcase vintage aircraft. If there is enough interest, April says she’ll schedule some “vintage aviator” portrait sessions this summer or fall.
You can view more of April’s work at She will be offering the “fairy” portrait sessions June 8th through the 11th and again from July 6th through the 8th. There’s no need to think about props or costumes, April has that covered. To schedule a session, call Light Drawn Studios at 224-622-2800. You can register your child’s session online by clicking HERE and you’ll also find more information at