99. Give it Up for “Melty the Snowman”

1 min read

Well it turns out our recent snowstorm didn’t produce the best kind of snow for making snowmen. They couldn’t create the fleet of Frosties I’d envisioned during St. Matthew’s Snowman Building Day last weekend. But we still managed to find a winner for our 365 Barrington Snowman Contest. I just CAN NOT allow the Sweet Spot candy prize to go uneaten! Plus, I have this little policy of finishing what I start. So I set out to find our 365 Barrington Snowman Contest winner and I didn’t have to go far.

But I did feel like a big dork when my neighbor caught me taking a picture of the week-old, half-melted snowman in their front lawn. She says he looked a lot cuter last week.  She’s the same neighbor who recently watched me back out of the driveway, crash into our babysitter’s car and then drive away to get my daughter to preschool on time. So I think this one deserves a drumroll….

And the winner of the 365 Barrington Snowman Contest is…

Because this is the most beautiful (albeit the only) snowman I’ve seen all season, the kids who made him will receive a fabulously delicious “Candy Bouquet” from the Sweet Spot Candy Shop here in Barrington. If you like candy and haven’t been to the Sweet Spot in a while, now’s a great time to pay them a visit, especially if you have Valentine to impress this year. They have an awesome selection of candy, including the latest sweets to hit the market along with the oldies but goodies that’ll never go out of style.  The Sweet Spot made #32 on our original list of 365 Things to do in Barrington, Find the Sweet Spot, a post you’ll find by clicking HERE You can follow the Sweet Spot on Facebook by clicking HERE, you’ll find their website at SweetSpot102.webs.com and you’ll find the actual shop at 102 S. Hager in Barrington, Illinois.  Thank you, Sweet Spot!


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