For the first time since its debut in 1996, the Healthier Barrington Community Needs Survey is being offered online, starting this week. A coalition of local governments and agencies conducts this survey every three years, offering residents in zip code 60010 an opportunity to provide input into the various aspects of living in Barrington. They’re also mailing a printed version of the survey to a sampling of area homes this week so be sure to watch for your copy in the mail.

Survey topics include transportation, recreation, education, healthcare, employment, questions related to the area’s water supply and much more. The goal is to find out which parts of our local lifestyle are the strongest and where there’s room for improvement.
They just launched the online version of the survey, which you’ll find at this link:
Members of the Healthier Barrington Coalition hosting the survey include Advocate Good Shepherd Hospital, the Barrington Area Chamber of Commerce, Cuba & Barrington Townships, the Barrington Area Council of Governments, Barrington Area Council on Aging, Barrington Area Library and many more.
They’ll be collecting survey responses through March 20th. If you receive a paper copy by mail, they ask that you please take 10-15 minutes to share your viewpoint or visit to answer their questions online to let your voice be heard!