It was no ordinary day at Citizens Park as Union and Confederate soldiers clashed before an audience during this weekend’s special Sesquicentennial Civil War reenactment. Actors dressed the part, setting up camps and offering demonstrations throughout the two-day event.
Barrington was recognized by the Illinois legislature as an incorporated village on February 16th, 1865. At that time, the Civil War was about to end and the United States was expanding westward into lands occupied by Native Americans. The weekend’s Civil War reenactment was a history lesson for residents of all ages, including 365BarringtonTV’s Tommy Derken who had fun quizzing the actors on their knowledge of the Civil War era.
We’re heading into the final months of Barrington’s year-long Sesquicentennial celebration. For information about upcoming Sesquicentennial events, visit And if you missed this weekend’s Civil War reenactment, enjoy this gallery of images courtesy of Barrington photographer, Bob Lee.