Well we thought the first time we’d be using Barrington 220’s new Distance Learning Plan would be for our first major snowfall this winter season. While we could never have predicted our schools would be closed due to a global pandemic, today I’m feeling thankful that we have an E-learning plan already in place.
With so much anxiety and serious calls for social distancing, we thought we’d create a contest in case families are looking for a little something to ease worries and fill the hours at home. Social distancing is a serious thing. But we can still find ways to say connected and no one said we can’t try to make it fun.
So here’s what we’ve cooked up for families.
Every day this week we’ll be hosting a new photo contest FOR ALL AGES with one prize to give away daily. We’ve come up with five themes for five days from March 16-20. ALL ARE WELCOME to enter every day (even if you’re not in Barrington). You just have to submit one photo based on the daily theme. A simple photo you’ve snapped somewhere in or near your home.
For five days in a row we’ll be giving away $100 in Heinen’s gift cards to our contest winner or winners. We hope it’s a prize that’ll appeal to all ages.
Click here to enter today!
Here are the daily contest themes:
Your mission is to get some fruits, veggies, anything edible … and turn it into a face using whatever you can find around the house. Be creative. Have fun and enter your photo for a chance to win Monday’s prize. - Tuesday: NATURE DISCOVERIES
The forecast for Tuesday calls for sun with a high of 46 degrees so get outside, explore nature and take a photo of some of your favorite discoveries. Is it a beautiful sunset? A sign of spring? A tiny creature? Or maybe just a blade of grass in the right light. Tune in to the natural world around us and enter your photo for a chance to win. - Wednesday: MAKE SOMETHING COOL – CRAFTS, TOWERS & SUPER FORTS
We see raindrops in the forecast for Wednesday so we thought this would be a good day to create something cool! Paint a picture, make a craft, cook a recipe, build a fort or tower. Pull out the craft kit, puzzles, paints and paper that have been sitting in the closet. Grab all the sheets, blankets, boxes and pillows you can find lying around the house and build a giant fort! Have things like blocks, legos, lincoln logs and magna-tiles lying around the house? Build a tower that defies gravity or just looks really cool. Snap a photo and enter again for a chance to win. Did we mention that all are welcome to enter every day? - Thursday: SCIENCE FUN
Since we’re all going to be learning from home next week, we’d like to let YOU be the teacher. Find a (parent approved) science experiment you can do with items you already have at home. Complete the experiment and share a photo plus a caption that sums up what you learned. Enter your photo for a chance to win. We can’t wait to learn from YOUR mad science skills! - Friday: PEOPLE & PETS
Think back to all of the favorite things you found to do at home this week and all of the photos you’ve captured. Is there someone who you loved spending a little extra time with? Did your mom, dad, brother, sister or pet make you smile this week? Snap a photo of that person, people or pet and send it it for a chance to win. If they don’t want their picture taken? Feel free to make them a mask or costume from things you have around the house and take their picture in disguise. Raid the dress-up chest, pull out pieces from past Halloween costumes. Have fun because anything goes and thanks for sharing!
Entering the contest is easy. Simply Upload your photo and caption via our contest entry form and we’ll ask guest judges to help us choose the daily winner (or we may decide to pick our winner at random). We’ll share the photos, announce the winner plus reveal our new theme at the start of the next day.
So there you have it! We’re excited to host this “Fun at Home” contest with you and we’ll be mailing prizes to all winners by next weekend.
Click here to enter!
So, without further delay, let’s get Monday’s contest started! Find the food you want to feature and start designing your face. Bonus points if you can make us all laugh :). Here are a few ideas…
The contest doesn’t officially open until Monday, March 16th but the entry form is all ready to go. Want to submit your entry early? Here you go…
By the way, for more on Distance Learning in Barrington 220, Click here for Barrington 220’s Long-term Distance Learning FAQ.
Click here for helpful advice from Barrington 220’s Coronavirus Planning Guide. For Barrington 220’s recommended reading on how to talk to your kids about coronavirus, click here or here for a cartoon explanation.
And, if you need a new song stuck in your head, give the “Hand Wash Rap” a listen. It’s pretty catchy. Stay healthy and can’t wait to kick off our contest with you next week!