Rev. Dr. Zina Jacque Retiring as Community Church of Barrington Pastor

3 mins read

The search is now underway for a new leader at Community Church of Barrington. After years serving as Community Church of Barrington Pastor, Rev. Dr. Zina Jacque has shared her plans to retire this year. “Thank you, Barrington for 14+ years of wondrous relationship,” she says. “I’m not gone yet and hope to engage in meaningful ways through, St. Michael’s film and book series and my beloved church, Community Church of Barrington.”

She also says she’s looking forward to all that lies ahead. “This church dates back to 1847 and I’m excited there will be new leadership when Community Church of Barrington celebrates its 174th year this September. I have offered and done what I know how to offer and do. It’s time for them to have fresh perspective and fresh leadership.”

As for what’s next for her? “I am working on plans for my future,” Pastor Zina says. “Who knows what they’ll be, but they’ll be something. In the meantime, for me this is about a transition of leadership at the oldest and best church in Barrington.”

Pastor Zina says the congregation has known of her plans to retire for some time but here’s how she shared the news Monday night with her followers on Facebook:

“Ok, this one is hard to post, but here goes. I love my church. We are not perfect but it is never dull (NEVER) and most often engaged and engaging. After 14 years, I am aware that my season with these amazing people is coming to an end and I have shared that I am planning to leave sometime in 2021. The church has responded graciously.”

“CCB is a healthy congregation and has withstood this ongoing pandemic with some losses, but with tremendous grace. They have launched their search for their next (full time) pastor and I would welcome you to share the this link with anyone who has a heart for God’s word, is excited about pastoral/parish ministry, wants to be in a suburb that is finding its way past the turbulence of last summer and loves God’s people.”

“I am praying that this person, whom God already knows, will find the joy that I have known being among these people. I pray also that the next pastor knows even more of God’s blessings as they minister at the corner of Compassion and Acceptance (CCB’s tag line) and with a people who name themselves as Committed Christians, Growing Spiritually and Serving God.” – Zina Jacque

* Zina’s portrait taken by Thomas Balsamo.

A message from Ted Newman, Chair of Community Church of Barrington’s Pastoral Search Committee reads as follows:

“After fifteen years of leadership and service, Rev. Dr. Zina Jacque has announced her decision to retire as our pastor at Community Church of Barrington. If there is ever a time in the life of our church where we experience mixed emotions, the coming year will surely be one of those occasions. We are saddened that Zina is ending her long and successful tenure as our pastor. I suspect that I am not alone in saying that I will forever be grateful to her for her service to CCB, and that I wish her boundless joy in whatever she chooses to do next.

At the same time, I am excited by the prospect of change, of something new that is about to happen. I am happy that we have the time to be thorough in preparing for the change that is coming. I am glad that the work that has already been done and will continue in the coming months is the product of many hearts, minds, and prayers. I am convinced that CCB will wind up in the right place, and that together we will move into a future in which we continue to be compassionate Christians, growing spiritually and serving God.

As provided for by our church constitution, a search committee has begun the process of seeking a new pastor for Community Church. This process will be carried out during the coming months.

Information for prospective candidates is being posted on the CCB website. Included are an overview of our church and its surrounding community, characteristics our CCB family seeks in a pastor, our strategic priorities, a job description for the pastoral position and guidance for persons interested in applying for the position.

Also included is a letter from our beloved Pastor Zina. Addressed to applicants for the pastoral position, she writes of how she loves and admires Community Church, and why she believes that CCB “provides an excellent opportunity for her next pastor.”

Community Church of Barrington is moving toward a bright future. We will work together for that future, guided by our shared faith, prayer and hope.”

Ted Newman, Chair – Pastoral Search Committee

About Community Church of Barrington

Located at 407 S. Grove Avenue and founded in 1847, the Community Church of Barrington is now in its seventeenth decade. Community Church continues to offer a friendly and accepting ministry supported by gifted pastoral and lay leadership, superb music, a vital woman’s fellowship, spirited youth fellowship, and a weekly church school program for adults, youth and children.

The congregation of Community Church prides itself on being friendly and supportive to each other as well as to all those who walk through our doors, or who are in spiritual need. The welcome all to come, worship and experience the energy and enthusiasm that Community Church has to offer. Learn more at


  1. Thank you Barrington for 14+ years of wondrous relationship. I’m not gone yet and hope to engage in meaningful ways through, St. Michael’s film and book series and my beloved church Community Church of Barrington.

  2. We will truly miss Zina. Whoever gets her next (wherever that may be) , is incredibly lucky. She is a truly exceptional human. We are blessed to have been able to share her grace. Our best wishes for your next adventure. Anna and Bob Bush

  3. Congratulations, Zina, on your retirement! The Hylander Family wishes you all the best as you begin a new chapter in your life.!

  4. Dr. Zina–Congratulations on your well-deserved retirement! I enjoyed working with you, Claire, Jessica, Sam, and the Cohort of Fellows in the Urban Consulate’s “Courageous Conversations” program in Barrington in February 2020! I wish you the VERY BEST in your “Next Chapter!” ENJOY!!!

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