Barrington Kicks Off No Name Calling Week with “Words Matter” Messaging

1 min read

In honor of the 18th annual No Name-Calling Week  held January 18th – 22nd, 2021, four Barrington organizations are partnering with the Barrington 220 School District on a community-wide campaign to promote the important message that WORDS MATTER. Follow along on social media this week as BStrong Together, the Barrington Area Library, Courageous Conversations and Be the Change Barrington share insights and resources to help us weigh our words before they’re spoken and choose words that bring healing, not harm to our world.

BStrong Together is sharing Family Activities for each day of this week to reinforce the power and impact of the words we choose. These activities are designed to encourage thought, discussion, action and an awareness of the impact of our words to harm, to heal and to change the world. Click here to download BStrong Together’s Words Matter Family Activity page.

BStrong is also sharing a Words Matter Reading List in partnership with the Barrington Area Library.

Click here for book descriptions and links to check the books on their Words Matter Reading List. You can also sign up for their Tuesday Tips, Tools & Try This email campaign, with a special resources and a message about the power of words and activities this week.

Here are some of BStrong’s additional resources for No Name-Calling Week 2021, anti-bullying efforts, and the power of words:

Additional resources from Barrington’s No Name Calling Week partners include:

Starting Monday with MLK Day, Barrington’s No Name Calling Week partners hope to create productive dialogue this week around the impact that our words can have in the spaces we occupy. Stay tuned! #WordsMatter #nonamecallingweek2021

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