If you’re up for a night of fun and games, you should definitely check out the Barrington Junior Womens Club’s Cards for a Cause social card tournament planned for next Friday night, March 8th. Couples will be getting together at The Onion Pub in Lake Barrington for this casual night out and a Euchre-like card game called “Capture the Flag”.
The night starts at 6 p.m. with complimentary beer and wine served between 6:30 and 7:30 along with a buffet dinner. The card tournament starts at 8 p.m. and will be followed by a performance by rockin’ 80’s/90’s Chicago cover band, Almost Famous, starting at 9:30 p.m. and late-night pizza before the event ends at 11:30.
If you’ve never played “Capture the Flag” before, here’s how one of this year’s organizers, Erin Shectman, describes it. “It’s this easy, friendly and simple game where you table hop as you win rounds so it’s like Bunko with cards and you rotate tables and get to meet new people as you play the game. It’s a jeans-casual night out with great food, great music and a chance to mingle and have conversations with people you might not normally talk to.”
In addition to the card game, the Barrington Junior Women’s Club has also arranged some great silent auction baskets which include experiences like group yacht cruises, fabulous seats for Bulls tickets, Chicago date nights, vacation trips and girls night out spa packages.
There will also be raffle tickets offered for a chance to win amazing prizes like a beautiful $1,400 diamond necklace donated by Long and Company Jewelers. They’ll also be raffling an $800 5-star Spa/ hotel package at The American Club Resort in Kohler, Wisconsin.
You can come to Cards for a Cause as a couple, but many people are also purchasing individual tickets. The cost to attend is $125 for a double or partner tickets or $75 for a single ticket.
Proceeds from the evening will benefit the scholarship fund and other philanthropic initiatives supported by the Barrington Junior Women’s Club . The BJWC raises funds on behalf of more than a dozen community causes benefiting children, women and seniors in Barrington.
CLICK HERE to purchase tickets or, for more information, call AnnMarie Dymon at 773-818-0797 or email bjwccards@gmail.com. And, for more information about the organizations and initiatives that receive funds raised by the Barrington Junior Womens Club, visit their website at BJWC.org.
And for a sampling of the evening’s live entertainment, check out the band, Almost Famous’ promo video below or visit their website at AlmostFamousChicago.com.