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Home Improvement

Kate Marker Shares her “Insta-Faves” for Interior Design Inspiration

 If you’re like me, you’ve discovered the fun of browsing Instagram to find inspiration for anything under the sun. From interior design, entertaining, food, fitness and fashion to books, travel and kid-friendly


290. Cozy Up Your Home for Fall with “Barrington Design” & 5 Simple Tips from Kate Marker Interiors

 We’re thrilled today to welcome Kate Marker, our latest local contributor to join She’s the owner of Barrington’s Kate Marker Interiors and well known for her impeccable interior design services with


178. Marketplace: Bella Muri Artist Dazzles with Decorative Finishes for Every Surface

 There’s an artist in Barrington named Melissa Loutos who specializes in transforming walls into works of art.  Her business is called Bella Muri, which translates to “Beautiful Walls” in Italian and she
